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You are free or at ease, but, You keep your THOUGHTS free, You went on doing whatever thoughts came to you, unknowingly you became SLAVE of your own thoughts. Because of which you have done such a thing, for which what is the punishment in this world, it will be punished in the other world as well. And you fell from your own EYESIGHT.


You are free or at ease, but, You keep your THOUGHTS free, You went on doing whatever thoughts came to you, unknowingly you became SLAVE of your own thoughts.

Because of which you have done such a thing, for which what is the punishment in this world, it will be punished in the other world as well.

And you fell from your own EYESIGHT.

Whenever you feel, you should know that you are a SLAVE of your own thoughts. You are a slave to yourself, due to which you are THE SLAVE to your own body

If you want now, you can take back your KINGDOM by controlling your thoughts.

As punishment for this mistake of yours, you embarrass and insult your PARENTS, SIBLINGS, WIFE, CHILDRENS, FRIENDS, and RELATIVES along with YOURSELF.

If you listen to your thoughts and follow your own mind, then a day will come when neither you will be respected nor anyone will be useful on your time,

At that time your thoughts themselves will drive you MAD.

And neither will your body support you.  You will be lonely, dejected, sick, and sad.

If you want now, you can take back your POSITION,

Only if you want, you can become a good person and a capable person in your sight as well as in the eyes of others, ONLY IF “YOU” WANT.

The human mind is like a MACHINE, whatever thought comes good or bad, it starts working.

If YOU control your thoughts at that time, then that mind will listen to you, otherwise, as soon as any bad thought comes, your mind will do it.

The punishment you will get for that, your fault is that you could not control your thoughts.

To control your thoughts, you have to REPEATEDLY remind yourself “WHAT AM I DOING” Because you are in PRISON, so you have free time, somewhere in peace sitting silently or sitting with your own companions, To remember yourself AGAIN and AGAIN.




Because of this, your thoughts will come in (Presence Of Mind). And you’ll get into the habit of always watching your thoughts, as soon as it goes out you keep bringing them back keep bringing it again and again.

A day will come when you will not have any bad thoughts and will be in (Presence Of Mind), you can do whatever you want.

This means at that time you will not be a SLAVE of your thoughts, Because of which you had to go to a life of imprisonment or a life of humiliation



Please read this 10 times a day.                                                                                                                                                                                                         



After a human was born, he lost control of himself, and as he grew older, he lost and his mind control is lost. Therefore the greatest task of a human being is, that is necessary to take their mind in control.

A person whose mind does not remain under its control should be considered Half Mad. That is a person’s mind is not under his control, then it is half mad.


After a human was born, he lost control of himself, and as he grew older, he lost and his mind control is lost. Therefore the greatest task of a human being is, that is necessary to take their mind in control.

A person whose mind does not remain under its control should be considered Half Mad. That is a person’s mind is not under his control, then it is half mad.


If the mind is not under control, then it will not be focused on anything,

From sweepers to scientists every one of them will fail in their work. Your mind controls you.

It means you must have control over your mind which is necessary. It must be.

An example of this is when a schoolteacher is teaching you and you are sitting in class and listening over a year, but your thoughts are wandering outside then you can’t learn anything from a teacher.

If your attention and you are in the presence of mind and focused, then you should follow the words of the teacher, and you will learn very soon.

The most important thing is that you must take control of your mind.

If you don’t have control, it can go from scaring you to suicide. It means your mind gives thoughts from scare to suicide. If you want to control your mind, first you need to control your thoughts. It is necessary if you want to control your mind, then first you want to control your thoughts.

Remember 20k to 50k thoughts come to every person every day. From that thoughts, a person will remain confused every time, He will stay confused.

How your thoughts come, your mind will start doing work. If you give 20k to 50k thoughts to your mind every day, then what will it?

It will be totally confused, in case your mind is out of your control, And 90% of thoughts are useless and wasted, and 90% of thoughts are negative and useless comes to you.


Question: What problems do we face because of thoughts?


Ans: See, until you do not get any thoughts, that time your mind will not do any work,

For example, if you are looking at someone’s belongings or whatever you are looking at, you will not steal, until you get the thought, if you get the thought you’ll steal the thing, it can be the smallest sin or the biggest sin, If you think of doing it, you will do it. Okay!


If you keep your thoughts in your mind for 2 minutes, then you will not kill anyone, and then you will not have to go to jail, that is. If he tells you that thought in these 2 minutes, then you will do it! And if you listen to this thought of yours for 2 minutes, then definitely you will kill someone, then you will go to jail.

This means a human has been kept in total illusion, human is in total illusion, that’s why it is very important to control your thoughts, very important.


Has anyone seen a devil or a ghost in the world?  So how is a human afraid? See if you can scare a blind person. Why can’t you scare them? Because he can’t see, if he can’t see it, where did you see it? You can’t even see them, you have seen them on a poster or TV, even though you haven’t seen them, the only thing that scares you is your mind. And the whole world whose reason is misguided and troubled, people think that there is a devil, but in reality, he is not.

And if there was a devil, Wouldn’t he have picked you up and thrashed everyone on the road? This means it is just our illusion, nothing else. Has anyone seen him yet? Then we believe that he is, it is only our thoughts, due to which a person can also have a heart attack.

It is only your fear and your illusion, due to which you can have a heart attack.


Remember, your mind will start working as you think. That is, unless you control your thoughts, your mind will work.


See, let me give an example of this, snakes are living in the world, whatever snake bites a human being, 70% to 90% of the snakes are such, which are of water or (rat snakes), but humans are convinced of this, believe that this is a cobra snake. He considers every snake as a cobra, as soon as this thought comes to his mind.  That he is sure that this snake is dangerous and poisonous. Because of this, many of them dies.  That is, at that time a chemical release took place in his brain, which is called (the placebo effect).

If that fear or illusion comes, because of which that chemical is released. Which is like poison, as a result of which he has a heart attack, and the person dies.


After that, do you think God needs to create something else to give us some trouble?

Only our thoughts are enough, which can take us to sin, they can destroy us, they can finish us. And can spoil our health too, just by our thoughts.

And there is no need for God to create such a thing, and to give us trouble, they can only destroy us by combining our minds and thoughts.


That’s why remember that until a person does not know himself to be powerful and his potential, he does not identify himself.


That’s why the identity of self is very important, man has forgotten himself.


Question: So it means that till date no one has been able to teach how to control their mind?


Answer: No!  It is not so, all the religious books that came into the world. Granth came, which means holy books came, Be it Quran, Gita, Bible, or whatever our messengers came to this world from the beginning, they told us clearly, and it is the same in all these religious books.

The person who could not control his mind, then he has no existence, he has no importance, he does not have the capacity for the smallest thing, which means he is zero.


In those days, there was not so much material to make us understand, and people did not have such open minds as it is today. Human beings are easily socialized today, whether humans or children 11-12 years old, if we understand them, they will be able to socialize immediately. Because today’s era is the era of awareness, they immediately catch anything, what is right and what is wrong It is understood that in. A place where there is logic, and that person suddenly understands quickly.  Ok!


Question: What about the many practices that are happening in today’s era?


Answer: See, in today’s era, meditation is being practised the most, people have been doing meditation for 50 years. Are they not?  For that some people go to the jungles and also go to the Himalayas, many people are doing meditation, and have been doing this for 50 – 50 years, Is his mind under control?  No, because what do they do at the time of mediation? They pay attention towards their breath.  Ok!


While you have to pay attention to your thoughts, pay attention to your attention.  you have to pay attention to your thoughts.

If you are paying attention to the breath, then that mind will work, that is, your mind will work. Paying attention to your breath will not do you any good, it will only improve your health.  Ok!


So “you” have to work and not the mind.  While the mind has to be controlled, And if instead of controlling the mind, you let it do the work, then how will it be controlled?

While you have to pay attention to your thoughts, due to which your mind will come under control,

What would happen if your mind focused on the breath?  That’s why they have been doing this for 50-50 years, that is, they are doing meditation, yet to date, no one has found any results for this.

No one can come and say that I can control my mind like this, I can do it easily, and no one will be able to tell! Because he is focusing on the breath, isn’t he?

You have to focus on your thoughts and not your mind on your breath.


Question: There are so many gurus in the world, what about each one who says differently?


Answer: See, until the truth is not found, everyone has their thoughts. Your thoughts run until you know the truth,

Till that time many new things are born, that is, they get created. Even in the world, I understand that there must have been 500 or 1000 different things, does it control the mind?


It is not so until the truth is found, at that time you will not know what is the truth.

That’s why all kinds of new things will be born, new things are being done, and everyone has become big himself!


Thoughts are there until the truth is found

Example: I have a phone, you show that phone to anyone, it is a universal truth

Whoever sees that phone will say that it is a phone! Isn’t? This is a fact.


What a person cannot understand, he says with his thoughts. That’s why every person says differently if there is truth, then there is only one, whereas there are thousands of thoughts. Truth is simple, in which there is logic.  Ok

This means the truth is very simple in that there is logic, and it is very easy to do.


Question: So how did you get this knowledge?


Answer: See, from the age of 17, we started facing troubles, which has no limit. I went to many places, went to many gurus, met them, and went everywhere

But no one could satisfy me.  But by that time I had come to know that whatever it is, it is within itself. Whatever is there is inside yourself, if any answer is needed then you can get it inside himself, not anywhere else. So what did I do, I started practising, and it took me almost 20 years to realize that my mind is my enemy.

It took 20 years but I didn’t stop practising, I kept practising despite many difficulties, took me 20 years to figure out

That my mind is my enemy.


And after that it took me 5 years to control it, after 5 years i.e. almost 31 years of my practice, I got this reward for my problems.

Maybe this time I have made it so easy that I have squeezed everything and converted it into the smallest knowledge.

It is so easy, that you can achieve it in just 21 days of practice.


As I have achieved in 31 years, you can control it in just 21 days.

This is the squeezed wisdom of complete knowledge.  After squeezing out all the knowledge, there is wisdom.


If you look from that point of view, you will see clearly,

if we want to control our minds, then we have to control our thoughts.


Reveal: For this, we have to remember ourselves again and again, that is, we have to REALIZE,

The meaning of the REALIZE is “Come in real from lies”.

If you are in thought then it is a lie, if you are in presence of mind then it is real ( REALIZE ).


You have to remember yourself, call that thought “WHAT AM I DOING”  “WHAT AM I DOING” Keep repeating this, Remember this so many times, because of which it will keep coming to you every moment.

just think for a second “WHAT AM I DOING”

This means if you keep thinking, whatever work you are doing, that thought of yours will come inside you.

This means it will come in the presence of mind, call it so many times in a day that thousands of times it will come to your mind that “WHAT AM I DOING”


So you will always get into the habit of calling your thoughts, As you keep calling, that thought will keep coming.  If you do this practice for 21 days, then you will always remember “WHAT AM I DOING”


This way you will get used to it forever.  that on your thoughts your practice means to focus on your thoughts and where is he going.


After that, after 21 days your thoughts will start getting filtered, will get filtered because you are paying attention to where your thoughts are going.


If you are paying attention then your thoughts will start getting filtered.


Apart from that.

And what can he do to you,

He will scare you.  This will happen, that will happen, or this debtor will come, someone is coming to kill me, What should I do if I am harmed, your thoughts will scare you by saying this.

If you keep getting scared then you don’t have faith in God.  Isn’t it?


then you need to get rid of it immediately,

You have to react and say, don’t move, “LET IT HAPPEN”

He will say that someone will come and kill you, you have to say.  Hey, if he kills, let him kill, don’t want it You go from here, I don’t want it, so you have to remember it again and again, you have to neglect it, it will come and say 10 times a day that it is coming, If someone is coming, someone will come and give you trouble, then your answer should be- Hey, “WHATEVER HAPPENS LET IT HAPPEN”


You go from here, if you speak then remember, some one thing or thought is coming to you again and again, and you keep neglecting it again and again, So how many times will it come, will it come 5 times, will it come 10 times or will it come 20 times, after that he will stop coming. If those thoughts stop coming, then you will become aware.  This means your mind will come under your control.


You have to do two things


1) What am I doing you have to remember again and again, because of which you will get into the habit of it, where has your mind gone, After a few days like this, you will get the habit of it and you will know that your thoughts are running away, then you will stop them at that time. (no don’t go) This way your mind will come under control.


If you are having negative thoughts, you will already know that these thoughts are negative. so immediately you have to say I don’t want, What will happen at that time, your mind will remain in your present mind.


And the thoughts which are giving you negatively, immediately you have to react and say, “WHATEVER HAPPENS, LET IT HAPPEN” After this, your mind will come under control.


See, let me say one important thing, if you want to be successful in the world, then it is necessary to have your mind under your control. No matter how small or big the task is, if you want to be perfect, then your mind has to be under your control.


2) The second thing is that, if you keep your mind under control, So you will not commit any sin, you will not commit any bad deed, that means those who believe in God.

Will also be pleased with you. And your success here in the world as well as success in that world as well.


Success to you, whatever God wants, success to you too.




Keep remembering yourself, whether you are driving a car, being in a two-wheeler, watching TV, eating, or watching any picture, Whatever work you are doing, or worshipping, or praying, whatever you do, just remember for a second. “WHAT AM I DOING” Because of this thoughts that have gone out of your mind will come inside you.  you keep calling it ” WHAT AM I DOING”


You can do that in any situation, you can do it at any time. You don’t have to sit anywhere for that.


No need to do anything, day and night you can do “WHAT AM I DOING” after that, you will get into the habit of it. You can do it in at least 21 days, and you will be 100% successful in at least 2 or 3 months.


And “WHATEVER HAPPENS, LET IT HAPPEN” you have to speak your thoughts, whenever it scares you, at that time you have to say “WHATEVER HAPPENS, LET IT HAPPEN” no worries.




say everything is almighty’s will, If you do it like that, all negative thoughts will go away.


Prediction: I am Samiullah Khan, I want that every person in this world should recognize their potential. Take back control of yourself, I want every person in the world to know about himself, and how to take control of his mind.


A time will come when every parent and every teacher will, first of all, teach their children that it is necessary to control their minds.

And it will be so easy whether it is a minor school, tuition, or university.  First of all, they will teach you to control the mind everywhere.


This means were coming 2nd and 3rd generations will say, that our father-grandfather was half mad, because their mind was not under their control, and a time will come when every man can control his mind.


If your mind starts coming under control, then this world will become like a paradise.  There will be no extreme feelings with anyone, there will be no fighting, There will be no high and low, there will be love and affection with everyone, and the world will progress so much that whatever inventions have happened or are happening to date,

They will be only 1% or 2%, everyone’s mind will come under control and if every child starts taking control of their mind then there will be a lot of inventions.


Now this world is completely like a ball of fire, neither do you love your mother or father, nor do you love your brother or sister, and you don’t love friends or neighbours, the whole world has become like a hell, just a ball of fire.


If everyone’s mind comes under control, then this whole world will become a paradise, everyone will live peacefully and everyone has their destiny.


Question: Despite this, many questions will still arise in the world, what about it?


Answer: See, there are thousands and millions of questions in the world, and if you want to find answers to every question, you will still have to come here.

This means you have to control your mind at the ending moment.  Well tell me one thing, if your mind is in control,  So you are not feeling bad, your every work is perfect, and you can do whatever you want.


I can do this, I can do that, and I can’t do this, I can’t do that, all this is your thought, that is your thought says. If you stay in presence of mind, you will learn and do everything.

Apart from this, if any other question arises, it may arise from anywhere,


At the end of the moment means in the end only the mind has to be controlled.  Apart from this, do not pay any attention to all the questions that come to you, Otherwise, they will go on misleading you, and everyone will keep on misleading you, understand?


If your mind is not under your control, then you are nothing, just control your mind, and then you will get success here and there too.


So after this question, remember, there is only one question in the world, and that is how to control our minds,


There is only one question, the rest all the answers are within ourselves, the God who has made us complete.

Only our minds are covered with dust, Already we have knowledge of the Total Universe inside us, there is an illusion and because of the illusion that you are not able to recognize your potential.


I am not giving you any great things, Just telling you how to remove the dust lying on you.


If you do this for 21 days, then slowly the dust and illusions that are lying on you will end.


The knowledge of the wisdom that is inside you will come out, and you will become a successful person.


Humans are born with wisdom,

And there’s also the mind,

In Mind 20k to 50k thoughts per day,

In thoughts, we lose focus, concentration, confidence, success, health, beauty, ageing, happiness, trust issues and lack of decision-making.

This results in living in an illusion fantasy world, self-doubt, anger, jealousy, fear, anxiety, stress, depression, OCD, multiple disorder, addictions, black magic and suicidal thoughts.

If we control our thoughts,

The mind will be balanced,

Your wisdom will automatically always be there.


Everyone has his own path,

A real teacher never comes with you,

He shows the way.


Thank you,

I am as like you.




If You Do This (Remembering It Thousands Of Times A Day, For One Second Each Time), It Will Become A Habit To Always Keep Track Of Your Thoughts. Just As If You Remember Any One Thing Repeatedly, It Will Always Stay In Your Memory. In The Same Way, You Will Also Remember Where Your Thoughts Are Going, And At That Time, You Will Immediately Know That It Is A Bad Or Useless Thought. You Can Stop It Beforehand,


You are free or at ease, but, You keep your THOUGHTS free, You went on doing whatever thoughts came to you, unknowingly you became SLAVE of your own thoughts.

Because of which you have done such a thing, for which what is the punishment in this world, it will be punished in the other world as well.

And you fell from your own EYESIGHT.

Whenever you feel, you should know that you are a SLAVE of your own thoughts. You are a slave to yourself, due to which you are THE SLAVE to your own body

If you want now, you can take back your KINGDOM by controlling your thoughts.

As punishment for this mistake of yours, you embarrass and insult your PARENTS, SIBLINGS, WIFE, CHILDRENS, FRIENDS, and RELATIVES along with YOURSELF.

If you listen to your thoughts and follow your own mind, then a day will come when neither you will be respected nor anyone will be useful on your time,

At that time your thoughts themselves will drive you MAD.

And neither will your body support you.  You will be lonely, dejected, sick, and sad.

If you want now, you can take back your POSITION,

Only if you want, you can become a good person and a capable person in your sight as well as in the eyes of others, ONLY IF “YOU” WANT.

The human mind is like a MACHINE, whatever thought comes good or bad, it starts working.

If YOU control your thoughts at that time, then that mind will listen to you, otherwise, as soon as any bad thought comes, your mind will do it.

The punishment you will get for that, your fault is that you could not control your thoughts.

To control your thoughts, you have to REPEATEDLY remind yourself “WHAT AM I DOING” Because you are in PRISON, so you have free time, somewhere in peace sitting silently or sitting with your own companions, To remember yourself AGAIN and AGAIN.




Because of this, your thoughts will come in (Presence Of Mind). And you’ll get into the habit of always watching your thoughts, as soon as it goes out you keep bringing them back keep bringing it again and again.

A day will come when you will not have any bad thoughts and will be in (Presence Of Mind), you can do whatever you want.

This means at that time you will not be a SLAVE of your thoughts, Because of which you had to go to a life of imprisonment or a life of humiliation



Please read this 10 times a day.                                                                                                                                                                                                         



Isse Aap Baar-Baar Yaad Karte Rahiye,

Ek Second Ke Liye Yaad Kijiye Ke


Aisa Agar Aap (Baar-Baar Ek Second Ke Liye Din Me Hazaar Baar) Yaad Karte Rahenge To Aapko Ye Aadath Padjaayegi, Hamesha Apne Khayaalon Par Khayaal Rakhne Ki.

Jaise Koi Bhi Ek Cheez Ko Agar Aap Baar-Baar Yaad Karte Rahenge To Wo Aapko Hamesha Yaad Reh Jaayegaa.


You are free or at ease, but, You keep your THOUGHTS free, You went on doing whatever thoughts came to you, unknowingly you became SLAVE of your own thoughts.

Because of which you have done such a thing, for which what is the punishment in this world, it will be punished in the other world as well.

And you fell from your own EYESIGHT.

Whenever you feel, you should know that you are a SLAVE of your own thoughts. You are a slave to yourself, due to which you are THE SLAVE to your own body

If you want now, you can take back your KINGDOM by controlling your thoughts.

As punishment for this mistake of yours, you embarrass and insult your PARENTS, SIBLINGS, WIFE, CHILDRENS, FRIENDS, and RELATIVES along with YOURSELF.

If you listen to your thoughts and follow your own mind, then a day will come when neither you will be respected nor anyone will be useful on your time,

At that time your thoughts themselves will drive you MAD.

And neither will your body support you.  You will be lonely, dejected, sick, and sad.

If you want now, you can take back your POSITION,

Only if you want, you can become a good person and a capable person in your sight as well as in the eyes of others, ONLY IF “YOU” WANT.

The human mind is like a MACHINE, whatever thought comes good or bad, it starts working.

If YOU control your thoughts at that time, then that mind will listen to you, otherwise, as soon as any bad thought comes, your mind will do it.

The punishment you will get for that, your fault is that you could not control your thoughts.

To control your thoughts, you have to REPEATEDLY remind yourself “WHAT AM I DOING” Because you are in PRISON, so you have free time, somewhere in peace sitting silently or sitting with your own companions, To remember yourself AGAIN and AGAIN.




Because of this, your thoughts will come in (Presence Of Mind). And you’ll get into the habit of always watching your thoughts, as soon as it goes out you keep bringing them back keep bringing it again and again.

A day will come when you will not have any bad thoughts and will be in (Presence Of Mind), you can do whatever you want.

This means at that time you will not be a SLAVE of your thoughts, Because of which you had to go to a life of imprisonment or a life of humiliation



Please read this 10 times a day.                                                                                                                                                                                                         


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